How to repair Double decker ic

double decker cpu reballing process

Today we will know here how to install double decker ic of mobile phone

First we will know what tools we need to do this. I have discussed below what tools we need for this work

The tools I have seen here are well within the medium price range, Better quality tools are available for this, but they also cost more

Required machine and material List with image

SMD Rework Station Quick 857DW+

In this work we used Quick 857DW+ SMD Hot Air Gun Mechine, This machine is very good in moderate price range, But if your budget is high then you can use in Quick 861dw It is very good for such work.

Soldering iron Station

For this work we used moderately priced Sugon T-26 soldering iron station here. If you are on a low budget, you can go with OSS T-210 Iron Because it is also a very good solder iron station at low cost. And if you have more budget then you can go for high quality premium soldering iron.

CPU Glue Cutting Blade


CPU Opener Blade
Stencil for ic reball

This tool is used to make the ball in the right place in the ic, best stencil company in under low budget, Quinly Amaoe

PCB Cleaning brush

Brush are generally needed for cleaning our PCBs and cleaning ICs, In this case you would use the Sunshine SS-022B brush and you can use even better and more expensive brushes.

Soldering wick

It is usually used to remove solder from PCB or to clean IC’s solder. another name for this is desoldering wick. i mostly use 2.5 to 3.0 soldering wick for this type of work , In this case the possibility of pcb and ic damage is less.

Solder paste

Soldering paste is commonly used for soldering and another function is to make BGA ic ball. We usually use 183°C ppd paste for IC reballing. Here I am mentioning the name of some good company paste : mechanic, relife

Flux paste

Removing and installing components using it makes the job easier and better. this is flux paste, I am mentioning here the names of some moderately priced good flux paste.

ALL IN ONE FLUX Paste: Mechanic UV559, AD559, 223

Relife RL-420, RL-421, RL-429


PCB Cleaning Water

Its main function is to clean the motherboard. It is also required to clear the IC’s glue. MCN 850 is very good at cleaning motherboard and Mechanic QC20 double decker is very good at cleaning IC glue.

Double decker ic reballing full process

  • first remove the ic sheild
  • And now cut the IC side glue ( Use SMD rework Station ) Quick 857DW+ TEMP:265 Air:2
  • remove ic ( apply use first paste TEMP:350-60 Air:2)
  • after ic remove( Clening ic and mother board)
  • reball RAM and CPU
  • install Cpu
  • after install CPU now install ram

Double decker ic reballing Full Guide